Category: Acne & Pimples

Natural Treatment For Acne With Herbal Remedies


Clogged hair follicles beneath the skin’s surface are the source of acne, a common skin condition. Lesions, commonly referred to as zits or pimples, develop when pores become clogged with sebum, an oil that keeps skin from drying out. Breakouts can develop in the shoulders, back, or chest, although they most commonly happen on the face.



Acne is a skin disorder characterised by inflammation of the sebaceous (oil) glands that link to the hair follicles that house the fine hairs. In healthy skin, the pore, a follicular opening, allows sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands to escape onto the skin’s surface. Skin cells that line the follicle are called keratinocytes. Keratinocytes often move to the skin’s surface as the body sheds skin cells. When a person has acne, sebum, hair, and keratinocytes stick together inside the pore. This prevents keratinocytes from shedding and prevents sebum from rising to the skin’s surface. When a person has acne, sebum, hair, and keratinocytes stick together inside the pore. In addition to preventing keratinocyte shedding, this prevents sebum from rising to the skin’s surface. Bacteria that normally live on the skin’s surface can multiply in clogged follicles when oil and cells mix to cause inflammation, which manifests as swelling, redness, heat, and pain. Germs, skin cells, and sebum cause lesions or pimples because they burst the wall of the clogged follicle and spill sebum into the surrounding skin.
Most people discover that by the time they are in their thirties, their acne has cleared up, but some continue to struggle with the skin issue well into their forties and fifties.

Types Of Acne

Numerous kinds of lesions, or pimples, are caused by acne. Swollen or blocked hair follicles are known medically as comedones. Types of acne consist of

  1. Whiteheads : A white bump that remains under the skin and is brought on by clogged hair follicles.
  2. Plugged follicles that break open once they reach the skin’s surface are known as blackheads. Rather than being dirty, the reason they seem black on the skin’s surface is because the sebum is discoloured by the air.

  3. Papules : Inflamed lesions that can be sensitive to the touch and typically manifest as little, pink pimples on the skin.
  4. Pustules, sometimes called pimples, are papules topped with lesions filled with white or yellow pus that may have a red base.

  5. Nodules : Massive, excruciating solid lesions buried deep under the skin.
  6. Severe nodular acne, often known as cystic acne: Deep, excruciating pus.


  1. Excessive or uncontrollable high pore oil production.
  2. The dead skin cells collect inside the pore .
  3. The proliferation of germs inside the pore.

Any of the following conditions may increase your risk of developing acne

  1. Proliferative/Reproductive.
  2. Those with acne may overproduce androgens, or male sex hormones. Puberty usually causes both boys and girls to grow, which in turn causes the sebaceous glands to develop and produce more sebum.
  3. Acne may also be brought on by pregnancy-related hormonal changes.
  4. Family history in the past. Research suggests that having acne-prone parents may increase your risk of developing acne.
  5. Druggists. Lithium, corticosteroids, and hormones are a few medications that may contribute to acne .
  6. Element of age. Acne is more common in teenagers than in people of any age.

Symptoms Of Acne

While acne can occur almost anywhere on the body, breakouts are most commonly observed on the

  • Face, neck, back, shoulders, and chest.
  • Your skin may feel uneven and scratchy after getting pimples.

Along with acne, you could also have

  • Hyperpigmentation, or dark patches or spots on the skin, along with redness, swelling, and inflammation, as well as discomfort and tenderness whether or not touched.
  • Additionally, scarring or discolouration of the skin can result from acne breakouts.
  • Despite how tempting it may be to pop a pimple right away, you should avoid doing so and instead try these strategies to reduce the likelihood of scarring. It can take a few days to many weeks for a pimple to fully go away after it starts. The duration of an acne eruption can vary greatly.

Triggers Of Acne

  • Oily cosmetics
  • Environment factors like pollution, dust, increased humidity
  • Consuming foods high in sugar
  • Consuming dairy products, high protein food
  • Hormonal changes
  • Mensuration
  • Stress
  • Use of medication that contains androgen
  • Touching or squeezing pimples
  • Washing your face more often
  • Using wet towels on the face


  1. Physical examination

Ayurvedic Overview

According to Ayurveda, acne is correlated with Yuvan Pidika and Tarunya Pitika. It is classified under Kshudra Rogas (minor health ailments). The terms Yuvanpidika and Tarunyapitika are so-called called because it manifests in Yuva or Taruna avastha (adolescence). This condition is also called Mukhadushika because it causes inflammatory lesions and vrana vastu (scars) on the skin. Due to mithya ahaar and vihar (improper diet and lifestyle), there is the production of ama (toxins) in the body. These toxins circulate in the body and cause the vitiation of Kapha and Vata dosha. Rakta dhatu (blood tissue) is also involved in its pathogenesis. These all factors result in the overproduction of sebum due to abnormality in the lomakoop (pilosebaceous unit). Symptoms of different types of acne are manifested according to the dominance of dosha. In Vata-predominant acne there is the presence of pain and scarring whereas in Pitta-predominant acne there is increased redness, inflammation and burning sensation. In Kapha-predominant acne, there are itchy, pus-filled bumps with discharge. Aggravated Vata and Blood are responsible for hyperpigmentation of the skin. According to Acharya Charak, acne is due to the aggravation of Pitta dosha.


Ayurvedic management of acne involves the pacification of Doshas that causes Acne. Nidana Parivarjan, Shodhan Chikitsa and Shaman Chikitsa are done in order to manage Acne.

Nidana Parivarjan (Avoiding causes and triggers) : In order to avoid acne one should avoid all the causes and triggers associated with acne.

Shodhan Chikitsa (Bio-cleansing therapy)

  • Swedana (Sudation)
  • Udvartana (Rubbing herbal powder and lepa on skin )
  • Abhyanga (Whole body massage)
  • Vaman (Emesis)
  • Virechan (Purgation)

Shaman Chikitsa (Pacifying therapy) : Shaman Chikitsa for acne is done by using herbs that pacify all three doshas in our body.

Herbs that are having antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and blood- purifying properties are used for the management of acne.

A Few Herbs That Can Be Used For Acne Management Are Given Below

  1. Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa)
  2. Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia)
  3. Nimba (Azadirachta indica)
  4. Khadira (Acacia catechu)
  5. Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
  6. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)

Various Herbal Formulations That Can Be Used For The Management Of Acne Are Given Below

  1. Vati/Churna
  2. Guduchyadi Vati
  3. Amalaki churna
  4. Gandhak rasayan
  5. Khadiradi vati


  1. Kumkumadi tailam
  2. Haridradi tailam
  3. Manjisthadi tailam


  1. Shalmalyadi lepa
  2. Manjishtadi lepa
  3. Varunadi lepa
  4. Lodhradi lepa
  5. Nimbadi lepa
  6. Arjunadi lepa

Herbal Remedies For Acne By Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda provides amazing herbal remedies for the effective management of acne. The products are formulated under GMP guidelines. Planet Ayurveda products contain 100% pure herbs. These herbal medicines are free from any additives, chemicals and preservatives. These products are safe for use. Planet Ayurveda offers the following herbal formulations in Acne Care Pack given below

  1. Gandhak Rasayan
  2. Dermo Plan Syrup
  3. De-Grease Face Wash
  4. Alektrona Anti Ageing Face Serum

Acne Care Pack


Product Description

1. Gandhak Rasayan

Gandhak Rasayan is a herbal formulation that contains Shuddha Gandhak (Purified sulphur). Gandhak Rasayan is purified sulphur which is prepared by purification of Gandhak multiple times with clarified butter or ghee and then it is further processed with cow’s milk and blended with potent herbal juices and decoctions. All three doshas—Pitta, Kapha, and Vata—are balanced. It is a great anti-aging medicine and also improves skin complexion and immunity. It is commonly used to manage disorders like acne, urticaria, scabies, and bleeding disorders.

Dosage : Take 1-2 tablets with lukewarm water twice or three times a day.

2. Dermo Plan Syrup

Dermo Plan syrup is a polyherbal formulation that contains Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia) , Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) , Chopchini (Smilax china) , Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) , Neem (Azadirachta indica) , Khadir (Areca catechu) , and various other formulations. This syrup contains Manjistha which is bitter, astringent and sweet in taste. It is cold in potency and has the tendency to pacify Pitta. It is a potent blood purifier. Acharya Charaka called it Varnya (herb that improves complexion). Giloy is Astringent and Bitter in taste. It balances all three doshas. It is vyavasthapak (anti-aging) and is useful for skin diseases. Dermo Plan Syrup is specially formulated for skin problems like acne, urticaria, rashes, etc. It is anti-aging, improves complexion, is rich in antioxidants and therefore helps in reducing the impact of free radicals on the skin. It reduces the inflammation and hyperpigmentation seen in acne.

Dosage : 1-2 teaspoons twice a day.

3. De-Grease face wash

De-Grease face wash is a wonderful formulation that contains Aloe vera extract (Aloe barbadensis), Green tea extract (Camellia sinensis) , Basil extract (Ocimum basillicum) , Glycerin and various other herbs. This face wash contains Aloe vera which is cold in potency. It balances all three doshas. It is a potent rejuvenator and is exclusively used for skin problems. Green tea present in De-Grease face wash contains a natural substance that helps in reducing inflammation on the skin. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-androgenic, and antibacterial properties. The De-Grease face wash also contains Basil which is rich in rosmarinic acid that helps in reducing acne.

Method of application : Squeeze a small amount of De-Grease face wash on a wet palm and apply on the face, work up a lather and gently massage in with fingertips. Rinse off and pat dry gently.

4. Alektrona Anti Ageing Face Serum

Argan oil, vitamin E, mulberry extract, orange peel extract, and a variety of other herbs are included in this herbal Alektrona Anti Ageing Face Serum. As everyone knows, oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C. It has anti-aging qualities, reduces pigmentation, and is linked to acne. Mulberry, which is high in antioxidants and has anti-aging qualities, is another ingredient in this Alektrona Anti Ageing Face Serum. It lessens skin damage and helps to diminish the scars left by pimples. Argan oil is moisturizing and helps to lessen skin inflammation. This serum promotes the synthesis of collagen while assisting in the reduction of acne, wrinkles, age spots, scars, and sun damage.

Application Method : After cleansing, apply this serum on your face and neck every day before using any other makeup. can be used as an all-over facial treatment or applied to specific target regions, such as the area around the lips or eyes. As part of a good skin care routine, using a face serum every day is advised.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


Because of the overactivity of sebaceous glands, acne is an inflammatory skin disorder that causes inflammation of the pores. Environmental factors, consuming dairy products, foods high in sugar, and hormonal changes are the factors that can trigger Acne. In Ayurveda, Nidana Parivarjan, Shodhan Chikitsa and Shaman Chikitsa are done in order to manage acne. Lodhra, Manjishtha, Nimba, and Khadira are a few herbs that can be used to manage this condition and it is preferred not to touch or squeeze acne bumps as it can cause damage to the skin resulting in scarring of the skin which can remain for a lifetime.

Ayurvedic Herbs Useful in Skin Diseases


The skin is the body’s biggest organ. Protection, regulation, and sensation are the three main functions of the skin. A vertebrate animal’s body is typically covered in an outer layer of tissue that is soft and flexible. The integumentary system comprises the skin and its extracellular components, such as the hair, nails, sweat, and oil glands. One of the skin’s main functions is protection. The body is shielded against environmental dangers like viruses, toxins, and severe temperatures. The critical function of the skin in regulating body temperature. The blood vessels in the dermis constrict when they are exposed to a chilly environment. This could cause warm blood to avoid the skin. The skin then acclimates to the polar conditions. In this article, we discuss the herbs that are useful in skin diseases.

Ayurvedic Herbs Useful in Skin Diseases


Water, protein, lipids, and minerals make up the body’s biggest organ, the skin. Skin regulates body temperature and prevents infections. The skin contains secretions that have the power to kill bacteria, and the pigment melanin serves as a chemical pigment barrier against ultraviolet light, which can harm skin cells. The perception of feelings like heat and cold is made possible via skin nerves. Body heat is retained because the blood vessels are no longer transferring heat from the body to the skin. The skin is a fascinating organ with several functions that constantly protects the body from dangers outside. In addition to the skin, the integumentary system also includes the skin’s extracellular elements, including hair, nails, perspiration, and oil glands.

Layers of the Skin

The skin has three tissue layers

  1. Hypodermis
  2. Dermis
  3. Epidermis


The epidermis is the skin’s outermost, touchable layer. This layer is created by the combination of keratin, a protein present in skin cells, and other proteins. The skin cells include keratin. The skin’s surface

  1. Describes skin tone
  2. Safeguard the body
  3. Develops new skin
  4. Serves as a separating barrier


90% of the skin’s thickness is made up of the dermis. the central layer of this skin.

  1. Raises hairs
  2. Has elastin and collagen
  3. Be in touch with you
  4. Generates sweat
  5. Produces blood and oil


The hypodermis, or lowest layer of skin, is where the fatty layer of skin is found. Hypodermis

  1. Include connective tissue
  2. Bolsters the bones and muscles
  3. Body temperature is controlled
  4. Aids blood vessels and nerves

Ayurvedic Overview

According to Acharya Sushruta

तस्य खल्वेवं प्रवृत्तस्य शुक्रशोणितस्या – भिपच्यमानस्य भवन्ति ।।

Similar to how the cream of milk gradually rises to the brim of the jar as milk is heated, the skin (tawacha) created during the transformation of shukra-shonita climbs up to the surface of the body and covers the outer part of the body.

Layers of Skin

According to Acharya Sushruta, the seven layers of skin (twacha) are

  1. Avbhasini
  2. Lohita
  3. Shweta
  4. Tamra
  5. Vedini
  6. Rohini
  7. Mamsadhara

Common Skin Problems

  1. Allergies like contact dermatitis
  2. Bites from insects, including tick, mosquito, and spider bites
  3. Blisters
  4. Skin cancer, including melanoma
  5. Skin infections like cellulitis
  6. Skin rashes and dry skin
  7. Skin disorders like eczema, acne, vitiligo, and psoriasis
  8. Wounds, burns, and scars
  9. Skin lesions, such as freckles, moles, and skin tags.

Ayurvedic Herbs Useful in Skin Diseases

 1. Amla Emblica officinalis Euphorbiaceae Fruits
 2. Bakuchi Psoralea corylifolia Papilionaceae Seed, Oil
 3. Ashoka Saraca asoca Caesalpiniaceae Bark
 4. Arjuna Terminalia arjuna Combretaceae Bark
 5. Chandan/Sandalwood Santalum album Santalaceae Heart wood, Oil
 6. Haritaki Terminalia chebula Combretaceae Fruits
 7. Haridra Curcuma longa Zingiberaceae Rhizome
 8. Henna/Mehndi Lawsonia inermis Lythraceae Leaf
 9. Karanja Pongamia pinnata Leguminosae Bark, Leaf, Seeds
 10. Kumkum/Kesar Crocus sativus Iridaceae Saffron pollens
 11. Khadir Acacia catechu Mimosoideae Stem bark
 12. Neem Azadirachta indica Meliaceae Leaves,                seeds, barks
 13. Nariyal/Coconut Cocos nucifera Arecaceae Fruits
 14. Tulsi Ocimum sanctum Labiatae Leaves/Seed
 15. Daruharidra Berberis aristata Berberidaceae Hardwood
 16. Gulab/Rose Rosa indica Rosaceae Rose petals
 17. Bhumi amla Phyllanthus urinaria Euphorbiaceae Whole plant
 18. Sariva Hemidesmus indicus Asclepiadaceae Root
 19. Kalmegh/ Bhumi neem Andrographis paniculata Acanthaceae Whole plant
 20. Guggul Commiphora mukul Burseraceae Gum resin

Uses of These Herbs in Skin Diseases

Amla (Emblica Officinale)

Acne treatment and acne scar may be removed with the help of amla. Amla has antimicrobial qualities that could help in the battle against bacteria that cause acne. Amla may help in lightening dark spots and reducing skin pigmentation. Amla may help in the prevention of skin conditions like rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis. Amla may lessen itching and dandruff on the scalp. Amla’s inherent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities may aid in the fight against fungi that cause dandruff. Amla may also help in anti-aging and skin exfoliation.

Bakuchi (Psoralea Corylifolia)

Leucoderma, a skin discoloration problem, and other skin conditions have been treated with bakuchi seeds. For topical application, the extract can be included in creams or gels. Bakuchi can be used to treat psoriasis and the itch that goes along with it. You can use bakuchi to treat leprosy as well. The seeds’ oil is used to treat ringworm, scabies, and tinea versicolor. It can be applied as a spot treatment, to moisturize and calm the skin, and to lessen the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, it can be used to heal sunburns, chapped lips, and dark patches and pigmentation. Bakuchi oil is a fantastic option for people wishing to enhance the health and appearance of their skin because of its various skin care advantages.

Ashoka (Saraca Asoca)

Acne, eczema, and psoriasis are a few of the skin disorders that ashoka powder may aid with. The dark areas on the face might also benefit from it. Antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects are all present in ashoka powder. Infections, edema, and discomfort may be reduced by these qualities. Because of its Ropan (healing) ability, it also restores the original skin texture. Ashoka powder could be beneficial for

  • Restoring youth to the complexion
  • Minimising freckles
  • Reducing inflammatory response
  • Blood purification Lowering cholesterol.

Ashoka powder can be consumed by combining 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon with warm water, honey, or water. It can be taken once, twice, or as prescribed. The Ashoka tree’s bark can also be boiled to create a thick decoction. You can add mustard oil to the decoction once it has cooled and use it to treat boils and acne.

Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna)

Skin aging is avoided by arjuna bark extract. Arjuna contains strong antioxidant properties that guard against the harm that these free radicals can do to the skin. Pigmentation is connected to the body’s Pitta dosha, which is worsened when there is a hormonal imbalance. By bringing the pitta dosha in our bodies into balance, arjuna powder aids in the reduction of tan and pigmentation. Using arjuna powder to treat dry, chapped skin is also highly advantageous. By lowering the rate of transepidermal water loss, it creates a shield that is more durable and serves as the skim barrier. As a result, it lessens the symptoms of dry skin and shields it from any harmful exterior factors.

Chandan/Sandalwood (Santalum Album)

Antioxidants found in abundance in sandalwood can help to prevent wrinkles and drooping skin. It helps in preventing pimples and treating acne. Especially if you have sensitive skin that becomes inflamed in the presence of even the smallest allergen, chandan is believed to offer calming and anti-inflammatory effects that aid in reducing skin redness. It scrubs away the dead skin cell. Cleansing and constricting open pores are further benefits of using a Chandan face pack.

Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)

In skincare, haritaki powder is quite helpful. It combats skin allergies. Haritaki paste is the most effective remedy for various problems. By applying a haritaki fruit on a sandal stone and rubbing it with a small amount of heated water, you can create this light-green haritaki powder paste. Apply the paste to the affected skin.

Haridra (Curcuma Longa)

Haridra has a high antioxidant status, aids in the body’s detoxification process, and promotes good skin. It has an anti-allergic character, which reduces the itching brought on by a variety of illnesses. By accelerating wound healing and wound contraction as well as increasing the rate of new skin development and tissue strength, it helps the body’s skin tone and complexion. The turmeric rhizome’s curcumin has the power to shield the skin from damaging UV-induced impacts. It repairs oxidative injury to tissues, including skin cells.

Henna/Mehndi (Lawsonia Inermis)

Additionally, henna has been applied as a poultice to treat burns and eczema and as a coagulant for open wounds. The plant’s leaves can be applied topically to treat bacterial or fungal skin diseases. The only henna that can be applied to skin without harm is natural henna. The application of red and black henna on the skin is incredibly damaging. Scars and other blemishes can be made less noticeable by henna. Henna has the ability to moisturize skin and stop dryness.

Karanj (Pongamia Pinnata)

Due to its Ropana (healing) quality, karanja oil is beneficial for skin issues like itchiness, discomfort, or bleeding in cases of eczema or abscess. It stops dandruff and stops bleeding when applied to a wound. It is also employed as an antiseptic and an insecticide. Because karanja oil is antimicrobial, it can treat skin conditions like eczema, boils, and abscesses.

Kumkum/Kesar (Crocus Sativus)

Saffron consumption can enhance the skin’s tone, smooth out its texture, and make you look more youthful. It can also assist in minimizing overexposure to the sun’s rays, resulting in a natural glow. This red flower also helps to heal acne, hyperpigmentation, and scars, leaving you with a clean complexion.

Khadir (Acacia Catechu)

Khadir possesses antibacterial and antifungal qualities that prevent the fungus and bacteria that cause skin issues from growing. So, it might be helpful for a variety of skin conditions[10]. When applied to the affected area, khadir helps to manage the symptoms of skin conditions like eczema. It is typically used to treat skin conditions such as acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, urticaria, and skin allergies. Additionally, it is beneficial in treating digestive-related issues including intestinal worms.

Neem (Azadirachta Indica)

Neem has the ability to reduce skin irritation, reduce acne scarring, increase collagen development, heal wounds, and manage oil production. It works as a healthy and natural alternative to cure, reduce hyperpigmentation and scarring while also nourishing skin tissue from the inside out. With its antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, neem also actively treats pimples. The oil made from its leaves contains necessary fatty acids, making it a useful moisturizer that penetrates the skin deeply.

Nariyal/Coconut (Cocos Nucifera)

Inflammation can be reduced and skin can be moisturized using coconut oil. Additionally, it can alleviate rashes and eczema. Coconut oil might be able to combat skin aging symptoms. Antioxidants in it might delay the aging process. One form of fat that has received accolades for improving health is coconut oil. The lauric acid in it, which is well known for its brightening qualities, is also high in vitamin E.

Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum)

Vitamins and essential oils found in tulsi aid to treat acne and skin inflammation. Additionally, it has significant amounts of vitamin C, a strong antioxidant that can help lighten and even out skin tone. Both topically and internally, tulsi is effective. You can include cleansers with tulsi as an ingredient in your skincare routine. Tulsi face packs can also be used to treat pimples and acne.

Daruharidra (Berberis Aristata)

The well-known preferred treatment for a range of skin issues is daruharidra. Because of its Kapha-Pitta traits and blood-purifying properties, which aid in removing contaminants in the blood, it decreases sebum production and helps treat a number of skin disorders. It not only shields the skin from the oxidative radical damage caused by UVA and UVB radiation, but also prevents the onset of wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes, spots, and dark under-eye circles.

Gulab (Rosa Indica)

Rose petals are used to make gulab jal, which has healing and anti-inflammatory effects. To remove makeup or thin out a handmade face mask, it can be used in skincare. Due to its antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, rose water can be used to treat and prevent illnesses. It can also aid in lessening the visibility of scars. Inflamed and irritated skin are calmed by roses’ complementing moisturizing qualities.

Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus Urinaria)

All skin conditions can be effectively treated with bhumi amla. Its leaves can be ground into a paste that is used to treat infections and skin ulcers. It may also be employed to treat due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, ringworm, wounds, scabies, and leprosy. Bhumi amla extracts contain anti-inflammatory qualities that make them useful for treating chronic discomfort and psoriasis brought on by inflammation. To relieve itching, rub the leaves on any part of the body. Root extracts are a common ingredient in body lotions, hair oils, and massage oils for the skin and hair.

Sariva (Hemidesmus Indicus)

A medicinal plant called sariva, often referred to as anantmool, has been utilized for hundreds of years to heal skin issues. It can be used to cure and has healing qualities. It helps in the treatment of Bacterial or fungal infections, Eczema, Psoriasis, Ringworm, Leucoderma, Hyper pigmentation, Acne. The liver can also be cleaned using sariva purifying the blood to remove too much heat from the body to enhance the texture of the skin.

Kalmegh/Bhumi Neem (Andrographis Paniculata)

Since kalmegh powder has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities, it can be used to the skin combined with coconut oil to treat eczema, boils, and skin infections. It is bitter in taste. Blood can be purified by kalmegh. It could help with skin issues and eliminate pollutants from the bloodstream. This is a result of its tikta flavor and ability to balance pitta.

Guggul (Commiphora Mukul)

Improve the itching, redness, or skin discoloration as well as inflammation in those who have eczema and psoriasis. Skin responses that came about as a result of breast cancer radiotherapy treatment were treated using cream based on guggul. Guggul includes compounds that reduce triglycerides and cholesterol. One of these chemicals also lessens some types of acne’s redness and swelling.


The skin is the body’s biggest organ. Protection, regulation, and sensation are the three main functions of the skin. A vertebrate animal’s body is typically covered in an outer layer of tissue that is soft and flexible. The integumentary system comprises the skin and its extracellular components, such as the hair, nails, sweat, and oil glands. One of the skin’s main functions is protection. The skin (tawacha) formed during the transformation of shukra-shonita rises up to the surface of the body and covers the outer part of the body, just as the cream of milk slowly rises towards the brim of the vessel while the milk is heated.