February 9, 2023
Disadvantage of Excessive Tooth Scaling and How Ayurveda Can Help
The best way for a confident smile are the beautiful teeth and this reminds of a very famous quote “smile while you still have teeth”. Such a short quote but with such a deep meaning. Everyone wants a perfect beautiful smile and yes sometimes we even decide to put our teeth under certain procedures that can help in improving the beauty of our smile. So, you are understanding it right. This article is about one such procedure done on the teeth to improve their texture but obviously in today’s world nothing comes without disadvantages. This article is about tooth scaling and its advantages if done in excess. Also, some ayurvedic herbs are being mentioned along with their use as an alternative to scaling.

Teeth scaling is a kind of dental treatment done on people who are having trouble with their gums as well as have excess accumulation of tartar or plaque on their teeth. But excess use of tooth scaling can cause damage to teeth as well as to gums. It may cause certain recurrent swelling in the gums. This can lead to teeth loosening from the roots and sensitivity too. Scaling of teeth might put you at a risk of getting diseases like gingivitis and can lead to periodontal diseases. The periodontal diseases not only affect your gums but affect the bones that support your teeth.
So, after all this information let’s move forward to the next part of the article.
What can be done to avoid scaling?
Scaling can be avoided by using some home remedies or herbs on a regular basis and also by eliminating the causes that are responsible for plaque deposition or tartar deposition. But, now the question arises:
What exactly is plaque and tartar? Do these terms have any difference?
Plaque vs. Tartar
Plaque is a film formed over the root of gums or teeth. It is sticky in nature and constantly forms on teeth. The bacterias which are present in the plaque produce acids after you eat or drink. These acids are capable enough to destroy the enamel of your teeth and can cause cavities as well. These acids can also cause gingivitis, which is inflammation of gums.
On the other hand if we discuss tartar then tartar is known as dental calculus. Dental calculus forms below and above the gum line. Tartar is a deposit on the teeth that trap strains and then causes discoloration of teeth. Tartar is also accumulated if someone has a regular habit of smoking.
The basic difference between tartar and plaque is that
Tartar is a crusty yellow and brown coloured deposit while plaque is just a sticky biofilm. Plaque can be easily removed by brushing but the tartar is mostly removed by a dental professional as it’s built up is strongly bonded to the tooth enamel. Moreover, every tartar is plaque for the first 48 hours and then is converted into tartar.
Now how can one protect their teeth from the consequences of plaque buildup which may or may not convert itself into tartar?
If you ask this question to the dentist then they will mostly recommend you with scaling. But as mentioned earlier, scaling is not a procedure that comes without disadvantages.
Moving further let’s discuss the disadvantages of scaling.
Disadvantages of Excessive Scaling
Inadequate teeth scaling results in losing of teeth: The teeth can lose from their root and in addition it may involve more than one tooth.
Inappropriate teeth scaling: If not done properly then gum disease can be progressive but painless. It can expose your gums and oral cavity for various types of infections which you may not initially but can result in degradation of oral health with time.
Teeth scaling makes gums swollen and tender: On the day of scaling you might not be able to chew and have solid things due to swollen gums and also due to the tenderness. If teeth scaling is too frequent like every two or three months then it can raise tooth sensitivity as well. Recurrent swelling of gums and subsiding of swelling will result in loose teeth. Loose teeth will allow inadequate deposition of substances in the free space and can also result in bleeding.
Receiving a scaling procedure twice a year is healthy but if you have recurrent accumulation of tartar or plaque then the herbs or oils mentioned in this article might help you from the recurrent build up and also from opting for repeated scaling procedure. The article further also discusses certain home remedies that can help in removing tartar also if used in a regular routine.
Keep reading…!!!!!
If you are willing to know some exclusive secrets that might help you with the tartar and plaque buildup on a regular basis.
Herbs and Remedies that can help!!
1. Amla
Amla has been known for ages for its amazing effects but now we are adding one more to it. Teeth plaque can be really stubborn but can be removed using amla powder on a regular basis. One can brush the teeth with amla powder and get fruitful results. Once removed, if amla juice is available one can do the pulling with that juice.
How to perform: Take around 10 ml of amla juice and put it inside the mouth before going to bed. Move this juice back and forth, left and right into your mouth for about 15 minutes and then spit it. Do not swallow the juice. After this rinse your oral cavity with lukewarm water.
See how simple it can be!!
2. Guava leaves
Guava leaves are easily available and are mostly known for providing a big bright smile. One can rub the leaves of guava generally over teeth and gums regularly in morning, it will help in getting rid of the plaque and tartar. The results will not be visible very soon but regular use will definitely show improvement sooner or later. One or two leaves, in morning as well as in evening can be used. After using leaves of guava one can opt for normal brushing as well.
3. Orange Peel
Orange peel is otherwise known for its beauty effects sover skin but it can also help with the plaque and tartar. Rubbing orange peels on your teeth regularly diminishes plaque buildup and makes gums more healthier. Oranges help not only in removing tartar but also helps in maintaining your oral health. The orange peel helps in fighting bacteria in your mouth as well and rubbing them overnight protects from halitosis that is bad breath.
4. Jamun Leaves
Jamun leaves are beneficial for gums, teeth and protects enamel as well. The use of jamun leaves on a regular basis protects your teeth from sensitivity, helpful in preventing bleeding gums and also bearing antibacterial properties. The leaves can be converted into fine powder and then the powder is used for brushing. In addition, in case of gum infections, tooth cavities and other dental problems the powder can be successfully used. In addition, the jamun leaves if used freshly or in dried form help in keeping your gums and teeth strong and healthy. So, it’s how jamun leaves work for you!!!
5. Babool Stick
Babool, “naam toh suna hi hoga (must have heard of it)”. It is a plant whose stick is very famous for maintaining teeth and gums health. But do you know not just maintaining health but babool also help in removing plaque from the teeth and thus protects teeth and gums as well. The use of babool sticks for brushing is called dantadhavan in Ayurveda and it is known to prevent tooth decay, gum inflammation and bad breath as well. It is also used to make certain toothpastes as well. Babool sticks are also called babool datun.
6. Clove Water
Clove water is also a fantastic mouth cleanser. 5-8 cloves are soaked in like 50 ml of water overnight and then you can rinse your mouth with this clove water every morning. You know it’s just like gargling for around 10 minutes and your teeth and gums are protected well from infections, plaque deposition and infections by the mighty Cloves!!
7. Mustard oil, lemon juice and white salt recipe
Half tsp of mustard oil is to be mixed with white salt. After this with one fourth part of fresh lemon the entire gums and teeth are rubbed generally. This helps in protecting teeth, removes strains, and also slowly removes the tartar buildup.
8. Oil pulling with virgin coconut oil
The oil pulling is really effective to remove bacteria from the oral cavity as well as from the body. Oil pulling is done in the morning prior to brushing. A tablespoon of coconut oil is taken in the mouth and then is moved back and forth, left and right in the oral cavity. The procedure is done for 10-15 minutes and then the oil is spitted out. The mouth is then rinsed with warm salty water and then brushing is done. It helps in removal of tartar as well and makes teeth glow.
So, that is all about the alternatives to scaling!!
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Everyone wants to take care of their teeth and gums as mentioned previously in this article thatEveryone wants a perfect beautiful smile. But for some it comes naturally and for some, they have to put in some effort. So for the ones who want to put an effort into their dental health, the above -mentioned herbs and remedies will surely make a difference. But obviously there may be certain factors whose intake is to be stopped so that your oral health can recover better. In case of any query kindly visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com
This entry was posted in Child Health, Low Immunity, Ayurveda, Dental / Oral Health, Dental / Oral Health, Dental Cavities, Anti-Aging, Baldness, Home Remedies and tagged in after all this information let’s move forward to the next part of the article., Disadvantage of Excessive Tooth Scaling and How Ayurveda Can Help, Disadvantages of Excessive Scaling, Herbs and Remedies that can help!!, Plaque vs. Tartar, See how simple it can be!!, Tooth Scaling?, What can be done to avoid scaling?, What exactly is plaque and tartar? Do these terms have any difference?.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan
http://www.drvikram.comDr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com.
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