February 9, 2022
Herbal Remedies For Dupuytren’s Contracture & Treatment

Dupuytren’s contracture is a disease of the hand. This contracture is a deformity of the hand that usually develops over years. This condition usually develops over years and affects a layer of tissue that lies under the skin of the palm. This condition is also known as Dupuytren’s disease, Morbus Dupuytren, Viking disease, Celtic hand, and Palmar fibromatosis. Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition in which one or more fingers become permanently bent in a flexed position. This disease is named after Guillaume Dupuytren, who first described their underlying mechanism of action. This condition affects the specific layer of tissue that lies beneath the skin of the palm and it usually begins as small, hard nodules and worsens over time until the fingers can no longer be straightened. The ring finger and little finger are most commonly affected and interfere with the activities such as preparing food, writing, and holding something. This leads to the thickening of connective tissue and becoming scar-like and the bending caused by the thick tissue is called contracture. Here in this article, we will discuss its causes, signs & symptoms, and its Ayurvedic management through herbal remedies.
Ayurvedic aspect for Dupuytren’s contracture
As per the Ayurvedic view, we can correlate this disease with vata vyadhi because vata governs all the movements in the body and any contracture or stiffness is all because of vata dosha.
The exact cause for this disease is not known. There is no evidence of hand injuries or occupation that involves leading to this deformity. The fascia is a layer of tissue that helps to stabilize the skin on the palm side of the hand and without this fascia, the skin of the palm would be loose and moveable. So in this condition, this palmar fascia slowly begins to thicken and then tighten. What exactly causes this thickening is still unknown.
Risk factors
A number of risk factors are there and that includes:
- Age: most commonly occurs after the age of 50.
- Sex: Men are more likely to develop this disease than women.
- Ancestry: people of Northern European descent are at higher risk of this deformity.
- Family history: It often runs in families.
- Tobacco and alcohol use: Smoking and alcohol is associated with an increased risk of this deformity.
- Diabetes: A person who is suffering from diabetes has an increased risk of Dupuytren’s contracture.
Clinical features/Signs and symptoms
This deformity typically progresses slowly, over years. As we already said, this condition begins as a thickening of the skin on the palm of the hand. The typical symptoms of this deformity are:
- Bending of the fingers especially ring finger and little finger.
- Loss of range of motion of the affected finger.
- Painless nodules.
- The skin might appear puckered or dimpled on the palm.
- Difficulty in holding something.
- Difficulty in writing and cooking.
In most cases, this disease can be diagnosed by the doctor by the look and feel of the hand. A doctor then compares both hands to check for puckering on the skin of the palms and will also press on parts of the hand and fingers to check for toughened knots or bands of tissue.
Herbal remedies for Dupuytren’s contracture
Herbal remedies are provided by Planet Ayurveda. This is a leading Ayurvedic firm that deals with the manufacturing of herbal formulations from the standardized extracts of potent herbs. These formulations are also prepared by using ancient time-tested formulas. These herbs are really effective in managing many conditions related to vata imbalance. These herbal formulations do not contain any kind of adulterants, dyes, additives, fillers, chemicals, etc. The herbal formulations offered by Planet Ayurveda for the management of Dupuytren’s Contracture (Palmar fibromatosis) are as follows:
- Boswellia Curcumin
- Ashwagandhaghan Vati
- Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
- Gotukola Capsules
- Kanchnaar Guggul
Products Description
1. Boswellia Curcumin
Boswellia-Curcumin is a polyherbal capsule which is made by Planet Ayurveda using Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and Curcumin (Curcuma longa). It is helpful in supporting and maintaining healthy joints. It Relieves morning stiffness and reduces the swelling and pain in the back. Rich in antioxidants which support movement and have neuroprotective activity.
Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
2. Ashwagandhaghan Vati
It is the single herb formulation prepared using extract of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) herb. These herbal tablets provide strength to the muscles and also eases the function of muscles and tissues. Ashwagandha ghan vati helps in relieving the tissue stiffness and provides strength to the affected tissues and muscles.
Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.
3. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
This Ayurvedic formulation helps in balancing the Vata dosha in the body and maintaining a healthy nervous and digestive system. Good digestion clears the ama from the body and re ignites the digestive fire and balanced vata dosha relieves stiffness of tissues. It is prepared using Rajata bhasma (Calx of silver), Swarna bhasma (Calx of gold), Pravala bhasma (Calx of coral), Abhrak bhasma (Calx of mica) etc. Vrihat vatchintamani ras should always be taken only under supervision of Ayurveda physicians.
Dosage – 1 pill twice daily after meals with plain water.
4. Kanchnaar Guggul
Kanchnaar Guggul is a herbal tablet which is formulated by planet ayurveda using various ingredients such as Kanchnaar Bark (Bauhinia variegata), Varuna Bark (Crataeva religiosa), Tejapatra (Cinnamomum Tamala), Guggul (Commiphora Mukul) and many more. It is helpful in maintaining healthy cells and tissues, which flushes toxins and removes sluggishness. Supports a healthy level of cholesterol and has decongestant properties.
Dosage – Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plan water.
5. GotuKola Capsules
GotuKola Capsules is a single herbal Capsule which is made by Planet Ayurveda using the standardized extract of Mandookparni (Centella Asiatica). It is helpful in the healing of wounds and maintains the healthy circulation of the blood. Boosts the brain power and promotes the functions of kidney and liver health. Is an effective antidepressant and useful in reducing swelling and balancing the nervous system.
Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.
The normal functioning of the limb is very much important in every person. Diseases like Dupuytren’s Contracture (Palmar fibromatosis) are considered as a deformity of the hands which makes a person unable to do day-to-day activities. The Ayurvedic formulations show very good results on this condition because Ayurvedic treatment helps in pacifying the vata dosha. The Ayurvedic supplements are prepared after testing the ingredients for any foreign particles and are also safe to use. In case of any query kindly visit www.planetayurveda.com or you can also send your queries to our email id herbalremedies123@yahoo.com