February 18, 2021
Natural Treatment of Syringoma (benign adnexal tumor)
To the casual observer, the skin is a passive, somewhat dull body’s covering. Celebrated for its flexible, soft, elastic qualities, this covering is surprisingly resistant to corrosive liquids, blunt trauma, effects of harmful light and other radiations. The basic framework of the skin includes epidermis, basement membrane zone overlying dermis and subcutaneous fat. Moreover, the appendageal structures include pilosebaceous units, apocrine and eccrine glands situated in the dermis but are in the connection with epidermis as they are arised from it during embryonic life. The adnexal tumors are the group of tumors like lesions or tumors arising from these pilosebaceous structures, eccrine and apocrine ducts and glands. One of such benign adnexal tumors is Syringioma. This article is focused on this disease and its best Ayurvedic management.
Syringoma is a benign adnexal tumor derived from intraepidermal eccrine (acrosyringium). Recently, the transitional portion between the dermal duct and acrosyringium or lower acrosyringium origin have been also believed as origins. Syringoma is more prevalent in young women approaching or after puberty. The most frequent type is although the localized variant of syringoma in eyelids of middle-aged women.
Sign and Symptoms
Syringoma is a benign adnexal tumor derived from intraepidermal eccrine (acrosyringium). Recently, the transitional portion between the dermal duct and acrosyringium or lower acrosyringium origin have been also believed as origins. Syringoma is more prevalent in young women approaching or after puberty. The most frequent type is although the localized variant of syringoma in eyelids of middle-aged women.
Syringioma can be hereditary transmissible. The postzygotic somatic mutations or mutations within the zygote are considered responsible for the familial or unilateral syrigioma that may or may not affect gonadal mosaicism in the affected patients. Other causes of Syringomas are overactive sudoriferous glands, obstruction in the channels/ducts of eccrine glands. Further, the risk factors include history of diseases like Marfan syndrome, Down syndrome etc. People with oily skin and patients of Diabetes mellitus are prone for developing Syringoma.
Ayurvedic Aspect
Syringioma in Ayurveda can be understood as a kushtarog (skin disorder) arised due to the svedvaha srotas dushti (vitiation of microchannels/ ducts associated with sweat).
The basic seats of Sved Vaha srotas are meda(subcutaneous fat) and lomkoop (pilosebaceous glands/ducts) according to Acharya Charka. This vitiation of sved vaha srotas due to underlying cause will lead to the deformities in meda and lomkoop, and will lead to the formation of these papules under the influence of vitiated tridosha predominantly pitta dosha.
Treatment of Syringoma
Planet Ayurveda Is Globally Emerging And Leading Herbal Manufacturing Company Of India That Formulates Various Herbal Or Herbomineral Products With Strict Adherence To Ancient Ayurvedic Texts And Principles. The Products Formulated Here Are Obtained From 100% Natural Sources. These Products Are Made Under The Supervision Of The Expert Team Led By Ayurvedic Doctors With Ancient Time Tested Formulas.
Herbal remedies as suggested by Planet Ayurveda’s experts for the management of Syringoma
- Kanchnaar Guggul
- Manjishtha Capsules
- Dermo Plan Syrup
- Arogyavardhini Vati
Product Description
1. Kanchnaar Guggul
This tablet is the best classical poly herbal formulation having anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the presence of
- kanchnar (Boerhavia diffusa)
- varun (Crataeva nurvala)
- (Commiphora mukul)
- haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
This formulation is very much beneficial in opening up the obstruction in the sved vaha srotas and opening the channels to promote better blood supply to the affected part and gradually dissolving the papules of syringoma and preventing its recurrence.
Dosage– 2 tablets twice daily, with water after meals, (to be crushed well or chewed well before use)
2. Manjishtha Capsules
Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) standardised extract is the sole ingredient of these capsules. Manjistha is best known for its blood detoxifying abilities in the body that help in pacifying the Pitta dosha hence aids in cleansing the Swedovaha srotas and thus by reducing the overfunctioning of eccrine glands it helps in treating and preventing the further transmission of Syringioma.
Dosage– 1 capsule two times a day after meal with plain water.
3. Dermo Plan Syrup
This syrup is formulated by Planet Ayurveda’s experts for treatment of various skin related issues. This syrup’s contents include
- Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)
- Chopchini (Smilax china)
- Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)
- Haridra (Curcuma longa)
- Neem (Azadirachta indica)
- Shigru (Moringa oleifera) etc herbs.
Dermo Plan syrup helps in Syringoma by purifying the blood and helps in maintaining the normal functioning of pilosebaceous glands and ducts by detoxifying the associated channels.
Dosage– 2 teaspoons with equal quantity of water, twice daily after meals.
4. Arogyavardhini Vati
It is the classical tablet formulation having best results in liver and skin disorders. The ingredients of this tablets include include Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), along with abhrak bhasma (clax of mica), triphala (combination of the three fruits i.e.
Emblica officinalis, Terminilia chebula, and Terminalia bellerica), sudh shilajatu (detoxified Asphaltum), sudh guggul (purified Commiphora mukul), tamra bhsama (clax of copper), loh bhasam (clax of iron) etc. ingredients. The triphala is very much helpful in eliminating the ama (endotoxins), further the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of this tablet helps in various acne and other skin related problems. The antioxidants present in the tablet helps in scavenging the free radicals and its antipruritic nature helps in relieving the itching related issues. Thus this tablet is best suited for the treatment of syringoma.
Dosage– 2 tablets twice daily with water after meals.
Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214030
Skin tumors are the most common tumors encountered in day-to-day life. Syringoma is a benign and relatively harmless tumor of the skin that may be attributed to the more frequent medical care seeking due to cosmetic reasons in women. In Allopathic medicine, they focus on steroidal therapy or local application of corticosteroids which on long term use have severe hazardous effects on skin as well as on the whole body. Further, if this treatment plan doesn’t succeed they suggest for surgical excision of these papules. But that too have many post-surgical complications and the chances of recurrence is quite high. So, the best method of treatment of these Syringoma is with Ayurvedic herbal medicines, along with some modifications in diet and lifestyle.