January 3, 2017
Triphala for Detoxification and Rejuvenation – An Ayurvedic Formula
The word “Tri” means three and “Phala” means fruit. It is one of the most widely used Ayurvedic product because of its numerous health benefits.
It is prepared from three fruits
- Emblica Officinalis – Amla (Indian gooseberry)
- Terminalia Chebula – Haritaki (Chebulic myrobalan)
- Terminalia Bellirica – Vibhitaki (Belleric myrobalan)

1. Amla (Emblica Officinalis)
This little fruit is stuffed with innumerable health benefits. It has sour taste. It takes care of the patient like a mother. It has anti-ageing, coolant property, has all the tastes except salt. It is dry in nature, sweet, astringent. It balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha, undergoes sweet taste conversion after digestion and has cold potency, balances Vata due to its sour taste, balances Pitta dosha due to sweetness and cold nature, balances Kapha due to dryness and astringent properties.
2. Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)
It is a very famous rejuvenating herb. There are 7 types of Haritaki as explained in Ayurvedic texts.
- Taste : It has 5 tastes except salt.
- Qualities : Light and dry.
- Undergoes pungent taste after digestion.
- Potency : Hot
- It increases digestion power
- It clears and cleans bowels
- If it is boiled or steamed, it becomes absorbant hence useful in malabsorption syndrome.
- If it is taken after food, it eliminates all the toxic effects due to food poisoning.
- With salt : it balances Kapha dosha.
- With sugar : it balances Pitta dosha.
- With ghee : it balances Vata dosha
For the purpose of rejuvenation, it is adminstered along with different ingredients in different seasons.
- In rainy seasons, it is taken with rock salt.
- In autumn season, it is taken with sugar.
- In early winter, it is taken with ginger.
- In winter, it is taken with Pippali (Piper longum)
- In spring season, it is taken with jaggery.
3. Vibhataki (Terminalia bellirica)
Vibhataki means lack of fear and Vibhataki means fruit that takes away the fear of disease.
- Effect : Balances Kapha and Vata.
- Taste : Astringent.
- Undergoes sweet taste after digestion.
- Qualities : Dry, light to digest.
- Eases motion, has laxative action. That’s why, Triphala is mild laxative.
- Taste : Triphala has 5 out of 6 tastes- sweet, sour, pungent, bitter and astringent.
- Effect on Tridosha : Balances Pitta and Kapha.
- Potency: When it comes to hot or cold potency, Amla is mildly cold, Haritaki and Vibhitaki are slightly hot in nature, so overall effect of Triphala is hot.
Benefits of Triphala
- Triphala is an excellent source of anti-oxidants.
- It is also used in the treatment of diabetes due to its rich anti-oxidant properties.
- It can be used regularly for pre-diabetic patients.
- Water decoction (Kashayam) prepared from Triphala powder is used to treat non-healing wounds.
- It is widely used in skin disorders.
- It is also used for the treatment of obesity.
- For weight loss and for lowering cholesterol levels, it can be used for 4-6 months.
- It is also used for improving eye sight. For improving eye sight, Triphala Ghrita (clarified butter made up of Triphala) is widely used. It is also used to improve computer vision syndrome.
- Triphala powder is widely used in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome associated with constipation (IBS-C) as Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) is good in easing bowel movements. For the treatment of IBS-C, 1 teaspoon of Triphala powder is administered in night along with water before or after meals. 2 teaspoon of Triphala powder can be administered if the constipation is severe.
- It is also used as a daily tonic due to its rich anti-oxidant property.
- Vibhatiki (Terminalia bellirica) helps to improve digestion and strength
- Amla (Emblica officinalis) balances heat levels in the body(Pitta-balance)
Triphala for Detoxification and Rejuvenation
Triphala for Rejuvenation
- Charak Samhita, Chikitsa Sthaan, 1st chapter deals with the anti-aging treatments. It has 4 sections. It deals with anti aging remedies by using herbs like- Amla, Triphala, Long pepper and Shilajeet. The great sages of India were devoted to penance, celibacy, meditation and tranquility so the remedies for rejuvenation can only be found in Ayurveda only.
- This remedy for using Triphala is explained by Master Charaka(Father of Indian Medicine) for rejuvenation. Triphala- a combination of simple herbs like- Amla, Baheda and Harad can do wonders. It is also known to show anti-aging effect. Its references is found in Charak Samhita as well as in Sushrut Samhita (ancient Ayurvedic texts).
- Take 100 grams Triphala powder. Make a semi-solid waste by adding water. Take a clean iron vessel or pot and apply the paste of Triphala powder over the iron vessel and leave it to dry for one day. Take out the paste from iron vessel after 24 hours and keep it in a clean and dry container. Keep in mind that Triphala must be completely dried, if it is not completely dried, it may get spoilt in a week time. This dried powder is administered in a dose of 5-10 grams along with 1 teaspoon of honey.
- It may also be made into paste with honey and can be consumed with 1 cup of water after food. If it is to be consumed in the morning, one should take at least 5 grams of sesame oil (in diet) or cow’s ghee in the evening.
- If this remedy is taken at night, one should consume at least 5 grams of ghee or sesame oil in the next breakfast.
According to Master Charak, by using this remedy for continuously one year, one can live for 100 years free from aging and diseases!!
According to Ayurveda, the nature of vessel used for storing any substance or used for cooking adds its own medicinal value to the substance which is being stored or contained in the vessel. In ancient times, people used to drink water empty stomach in the morning which is kept in copper vessel over-night due to medicinal properties of copper vessel. We can also observe the difference in bathing water which is boiled in copper vessel and which is heated by modern day geyser.
As per Ayurveda, iron is used as anti-aging remedy. There are many benefits of iron like- it is coolant in nature, nourishing, bitter, sweet and sour in taste. It is also useful in cardiovascular diseases. It improves strength, immunity, memory, skin texture, intelligence, digestive power and many more.
- Triphala powder is good for eyes, spleen, liver, blood vessels and a very good anti-oxidant. So this combination of iron and triphala is a good combination for rejuvenation.
- Both Triphala and honey have rooksh (dry) nature. To counter this effect after digestion, cow’s ghee/sesame oil is advised.
- Once prepared, this combination can be stored for a period of 1-2 months only. It is advised to prepare this remedy every month.
- This remedy or advice comes from Master Charaka directly so there is no problem to use it continuously for one year. (Reference: Charak Samhita, Chikitsa Sthaan, 1st chapter).
- Diabetic patients should consult their doctor before consuming honey.
- It is best to avoid this remedy during pregnancy.
- As per Charak Samhita Sutrasthaan, 26th Chapter, sour fruits should not be consumed with milk. So, milk should be avoided alongwith Triphala.
Triphala for detoxification
Triphala can be easily used as a herbal cleanser which is used as herbal colon cleansing. For detoxification, 5 grams Triphala powder can be taken with warm water during night. It is also a liver protective agent.