March 27, 2023
Kaf Ketu Ras – Ingredients, Method of Preparation & Its Uses
Preparations containing mineral drugs as main ingredients are called rasa yogas. They may be in pill or in ash form. Different herbal and mineral ingredients are there in different rasaaushdhis. All the ingredients are used in the pure and detoxified form. Where rasa and gandhaka are drugs,kajjali is prepared first with rasa (parad) and gandhaka. After the preparation of kajjali, the other drugs are added in mentioned quantities. The potency of such a rasaaushdhi prepared properly based on the principles of Ayurveda is definitely high and result-oriented without side effects. Kapha Ketu rasa is such a rasaaushdhi that is potent and is anti-allergic in action. Various studies show that the Kapha Ketu rasa has anti-histamine properties. This article is loaded with information regarding the kaphaketu rasa, ingredients,method of preparation, dosage, indications, and contraindications of kaphaketu rasa.
Kaphaketu rasa is mentioned in ayurvedic rasagranth Bhaishjya Ratnavali. The kaphaketu rasa is an ayurvedic herbomineral formulation composed of a variety of herbal and mineral ingredients. As the name indicates this herbal formulation is a remedy to cure various Kapha-related issues. The location of Kapha in the body as mentioned in the ayurvedic text Ashtang hridya is the thorax, throat, lungs, joints, head, and stomach. Ailments associated with all these locations may involve the Kapha dosha predominance. The symptoms of vitiated Kapha are a watery nose, cold, throat obstruction, excessive salivation, breathing issues, lethargy, and congestion. In such ailments, kaphaketu rasa plays a significant role. This rasa balances the Kapha dosha as it promotes strength and fertility. Also, it is helpful to improve bone and muscle strength.
Reference– Bhaishjyaratnavali (Javradhikar).
Classical Indication
Pinasa (runny nose due to underlying cause), Svasha (Breathlessness), Kasa (Cough), Shiroroga (Headache), Galgrah (Heaviness in the throat). These are the classical indications of Kapha Ketu rasa.
- Shuddha Tankan (Purified ash of borax)
- Magadhi ( pippali)
- Shankha Bhasma
- Vatsanabha (detoxified Aconitum ferox)
- Aradrak Swarasa
A Brief Description of Ingredients
1. Shudha Tankan (Purified ash of borax)
Tankan is borax. It is prepared by placing small pieces of Tankan on fire and collecting them after dehydration. Na2B4O7.10H2O is the formula of pure tankan and Na2B4O7.5H2O is the formula after dehydration. The properties of Tankan are – Ushna (hot), vipaka is katu (pungent). It is useful in a variety of ailments like cough problems, asthma, and respiratory problems.
2. Magadhi (Pippali)
Pippali is the best Kapha pacifier. It is hot in potency hence reducing the episodes of watery discharge from the nose, throat infection, cold, and phlegm. It is one of the best-known vata pacifiers. It also acts as a catalyst as it enhances the rate of reaction and enhances the potency of ingredients in herbal remedies. It gives relief from cold, and phlegm. It reduces Vata and Kapha and increases Pitta. It is hot in potency.
3. Shankha Bhasma (Conch shell)
Shankha bhasma is mentioned in rasagranth Rasatarangini. It is effective in ajirna, grahani, amlapitta, parinamshoola, yakrit pliha vridhi. Shankha is cold in potency and hence acts as a pitta shamak (pacify the pitta dosha) mineral. It helps to enhance the action of the other ingredients.
4. Shuddha Vatsanabha (Detoxified Aconitum Ferox)
It is an erect, perennial herb, that occurs in subalpine and alpine zones of the western Himalayas. It is used as the main ingredient of Kapha Ketu rasa. It is a plant-based poison but acts as a medicine if used after a proper purification process. It has antipyretic, analgesic, anti-rheumatic, appetiser, and digestive properties. It is used in Ayurveda only after purification. It is used in Tridosha vikara, especially in Kapha-Vataj roga such as cough, bronchitis, and fever.
5. Ardraka Swarasa
(as bhavana dravya) is hot-pungent-drying in action. It is a well-known herb for respiratory ailments. It reduces Vata and Kapha and increases Pitta. It is hot in potency. It works on the Digestive and respiratory systems. As a bhavna dravya, it enhances the efficacy of Kapha Ketu rasa multiple times.
Method of Preparation
Take 50 grams of each of Shuddha tankan, Magadhi (pippali), Shankha bhasma (conch shell calx), and Vatsnabha (Aconitum ferox). Add all the ingredients in the Kharal of stone and mix them properly. After mixing, give 3 bhavnas of Adrak swaras and mix it properly. Make tablets of 1 Ratti or 125mg.
Dosage-– One to two tablets or 125mg to 150mg can be taken twice daily with water.
Anupana– Kapha Ketu rasa can be best effective with proper Anupama. The anupana can be ginger swaras or honey for cough, cold or other ailments.
Therapeutic Uses & Indications
Important therapeutic uses and key benefits mentioned in classical texts are pinasa (runny nose due to any cause), Kasa (cough), svasa (breathlessness), urdhvanga rogas (diseases of the upper respiratory tract). The other important indication of Kapha Ketu rasa are as
- Fever due to any underlying problem of Respiratory issues.
- Watery discharge from the ear, nose, or throat.
- Various eye-related problems.
- Problems associated with throat or complaints of painful swallowing
- Various nose problems (sinusitis)
- Disorders of the throat
- Headache
- Neurological problems
- Tooth decay or problems associated with teeth.
Contraindications/ Side Effects
Should be taken after consultation with a physician. Overdose can cause serious complications. Should be avoided in the case of lactating mothers or pregnant women. Keep out of the reach of children.
The Kaphaketu rasa is one of the best rasaushdhi to manage the ailments like allergy, aggravated Kapha, mucus, cold, and other variety of ailments mentioned above. The kaphaketu rasa of planet Ayurveda is best and loaded with authentic and natural herbal minerals as per classical texts. The formulation is cent percent result-oriented, best, GMP approved and serving mankind for decades.