April 6, 2020
Natural Treatment for Blood Disorders – Dr. Vikram Chauhan
Blood is a living tissue in our body which is made up of four components that are plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Plasma is the liquid part and red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are the solid parts of the blood. Blood is a constantly circulating fluid and it provides nutrition, oxygen and helps in waste removal.
Functions of The Blood in The Body Are
- It helps to carry oxygen and other nutrients to body tissues.
- Helps to regulate the temperature of the body
- It helps to remove out the waste products of the kidney and liver.
Blood disorders are conditions that affect the functions of the blood cells in the body and also affect the components of the blood.
- Platelets, which help in blood clotting.
- Red blood cells, which transport oxygen to the body’s tissues
- White blood cells, which helps to fight against infections
Symptoms of Blood Disorders
The signs and symptoms depend upon the component of blood which is affected by the disease. The symptoms vary in all conditions.
The Common Symptoms of Red Blood Cell Disorders
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath or breathlessness
- Lack of concentration due to the lack of oxygenated blood in the brain
- Muscle weakness or lack of muscle strength
- Fast heart rate
The Common Symptoms of White Blood Cell Disorders
- Chronic infections
- Tiredness or fatigue
- Weight loss
- Malaise, or a general feeling of being unwell, illness and discomfort.
The Common Symptoms of Platelet Disorders
- Wounds or injuries that don’t heal or are slow to heal
- Bleeding, when blood does not clot after injury or cut
- Bruises on the skin
- Unexplained nosebleeds
- Bleeding from the gums
- Blood in urine or stool
Red Blood Cell Disorders
Red blood cell disorders affect the red blood cells of the body. These are blood cells that carry oxygen from your lungs to the entire body. There are various disorders related to red blood disorders, which can affect both children and adults.
It includes
1. Anemia
Anemia is a condition in which your body tissues lack sufficient healthy red blood cells to carry enough oxygen.
Types of Anemia
- Iron-deficiency anemia
- Sickle cell anemia
- Normocytic anemia
- Autoimmune Haemolytic anemia
- Fanconi anemia
- Pernicious anemia
2. Thalassemia
It is a group of inherited diseases in which normal production of hemoglobin is hampered. Due to low hemoglobin, oxygen doesn’t get to all parts of the body. It hampers the overall functioning of organs which leads to various problems in the body.
3. Polycythemia Vera
It is a type of blood cancer that is caused by a gene mutation. In this case, the bone marrow produces red blood cells in excess. It causes thickening of blood or clotting which can lead to heart attack or strokes.
4. White Blood Cell Disorders
White blood cells (leukocytes) help protect the body and fight infections and foreign substances. White blood cell disorders can affect our body’s immune system response and also the ability to fight infection. These disorders can also affect both adults and children.
1. Lymphoma
It is a type of blood cancer that occurs in the lymphatic system of the body. There is an overproduction of white blood cells. Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are two major types of Lymphoma.
2. Leukemia
It is a type of blood cancer in which malignant white cells multiply in the bone marrow. It is either acute or chronic.
3. Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
In this condition there is an overproduction of blasts also known as immature cells.
Platelet Cell Disorders
If there is any cut or injury, blood platelets are the first responders. They accumulate at the site of injury and form a plug to prevent further bleeding.
The common Platelet Cell Disorders are:
1. Hemophilia
It is also known as a blood clotting disorder. The most common complication of Hemophilia is prolonged and excessive bleeding.
2. Immune Thrombocytopenia
It is an autoimmune disease. The immune system is hampered, it attacks blood platelets and causes destruction of platelets. It can lead to excessive bleeding and bruising.
3. Von Willebrand Disease
This disease is inherited blood disease which occurs due to deficiency of a protein known as Willebrand factor(VWF).
4. Acquired Platelet Function Disorder
There are certain drugs that affect the functioning of platelets.
Natural Treatment of Blood disorders
According to Ayurveda blood is considered as Rakta dhatu which is the second dathu of the body. It provides nutrition and oxygen to each cell.
According to Ayurveda blood disorder occurs when Pitta recites in the Rakta dhatu and any vitiation in the pitta dosha leads to blood disorders.
Natural treatment is the best treatment among any treatment because this treatment cures and prevents any disease without causing any side effects to the body. Ayurveda provides this natural treatment by offering natural herbs, panchakarma therapies, and some yoga asanas.
There are also some herbs for the Natural Treatment of Blood Disorders. These herbs are also used in the formulation of herbal products.
It Includes
1. Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus)
Shatavari can improve the level of white blood cell count. This herb is very potent to maintain the health of the female reproductive system. It also supports the immune system, healthy energy levels, and strengthens the body.
2. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
Punarnava herb possesses diuretic, anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory,anti-arthritic, spasmolytic, antibacterial, analgesic, immunity booster, and anti-aging properties. It can rejuvenate the whole body and health as it strengthens the body and normalizes doshas.
3. Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)
It supports the healthy function of the heart due to its cardiovascular properties. It strengthens the heart muscle and maintains proper blood flow in the body. This herb also helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure and good cholesterol levels in the body.
4. Amla (Emblica Officinalis)
Amla is rich in nutrients and it is very effective in various bleeding disorders. This herb pacifies all three doshas in the body.
5. Haridra (Curcuma Longa)
It possesses anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It also acts as a blood purifier and it is useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis, it removes the accumulation in the blood vessels and toxins from the body.
(Reference: Bhavprakash nighantu/Shloka- 196-197, page no-111)
It states that haridra, kanchani, peeta, nishakhya, varvarini, krimghni, haldi, yoshitripya and hatvilasini all are synonyms of Curcuma. This herb is pungent and bitter in taste, rough, hot in potency and used to pacify kapha and pitta dosha in the body. It improves skin tone and used in skin disorders, diabetes, bleeding disorders, inflammation, and anemia and used in wound healing.